Deliberation Dynamics

Options: # columns set names
Initial Probabilities: set probabilities
Utility Function: expected utility of action a given probability distribution p:

This site simulates the dynamics of rational deliberation as described by Brian Skyrms (for instance here). Given a range of options and an initial probability distribution over these options (a state of indecision), each deliberation step computes a new probability distribution by privileging options with greater expected utility.

More precisely, the update proceeds by Nash Dynamics: let the virtual utility VU of a state of indecision P be the expectation VU(P) = sum_i U(A_i)*P(A_i). If the expected utility of an action A in a state of indecision P is greater than the virtual utility of P, the difference is called the covetability of A: Cov(A) = max(U(A)-VU(P), 0). Nash Dynamics updates the probabilities P to P'(A) = (k*P(A) + Cov(A)) / (k + sum_i Cov(A_i)), where k is a constant determining how slow the decision maker moves in the direction of actions that seem better (the higher, the slower). k is currently set to . Try increasing it if you don't reach an equilibrium.

Death in Damascus (from Gibbard & Harper 1978)
Newcomb's Centipede (from Brian Weatherson 2008)

-- 2008.