Handouts from beamer presentations
It just took me two hours to put slides created with the LaTeX beamer class onto A4 pages as handouts. This is the solution I came up with (4 slides per page):
pdftops -paper A4 -expand original.pdf psnup -4 -b2mm original.ps > handouts.ps ps2pdf handouts.ps
(Not entirely unrelated to this: the next few days I'm at a Lewis workshop near Heidelberg. I'll try to catch up with my emails next week.)
You might want to look into pdfjam (http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/statistics/staff/academic/firth/software/pdfjam/), which includes the pdfnup utility (which is a frontend to pdfpages). The author claims "there is no appreciable degradation of image quality in processing PDF files with thse programs, unlike some other indirect methods such as pdf2ps | psnup | ps2pdf (in the author's experience)". If you use Mac OS X, there is a graphical frontend to pdfnup: http://evolve.lse.ac.uk/software/PDFNupMaker/.
I use PDFNupMaker and usually my handouts are done in 1 minute from my beamer slides.