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Fara and Williamson against the Counterpart Theory

A few comments on Counterparts and Actuality by Michael Fara and Timothy Williamson (via Brian, of course).

Fara and Williamson argue that if Quantified Modal Logic is enriched by an "actually" operator, then given some further assumptions there is no correct translation scheme from QML to Counterpart Theory. Here, a correct translation scheme is one that translates theorems of QML into theorems of CT and non-theorems of QML into non-theorems of CT. (theorems of which QML? -- good question; read on.).

I'll focus on the examples not containing names, since F&W's treatment of names is so completely different from how Lewis says they should be treated ("CT&QML", pp.32f. in Papers) that it is unclear whether their examples with names work at all. The name-free example that plays the main role in §2 of the paper is:

12) possibleexistsx (ACT Fx iff ACT ~Fx).

This, F&W say, is a logical falsehood, but on any plausible translation scheme for "ACT" ("actually"), it gets translated into a satisfiable sentence of CT. More specifically, its CT-translation will presumably be true iff there is a possible object that has no counterpart at our world. So this is one of the "further assumptions" mentioned above: that there is a possible object having no counterpart at our world. It's a reasonable assumption, and it's certainly endorsed by Lewis. It is in fact just the rejection of the Barcan formula, expressed in CT.

Let's accept the assumption, if only for the sake of the argument. So we assume there could be things that don't actually exist. Let P be a predicate that applies only to such things ("Cartesian soul" might be an example). Then what do we want to say about sentences like

i) There could be a P which is actually F,

where F is some ordinary predicate? I would say (i) is false: No possible P is actually F, simply bacause no possible P actually exists. Similarly, I'd say that

ii) There could be a P which is actually not F

is false: just as no possible P is actually married, so no possible P is actually unmarried. But together with the assumption that there could be a P, not-(i) and not-(ii) presumably entail

iii) possibleexistsx (Px & ~ACT Fx & ~ACT ~Fx)

which in turn entails (12). That is, on the assumption that there could be non-actual objects, (12) looks reasonable. At any rate, on that assumption it is not at all clear that (12) should be regarded as a logical falsehood, as F&W suppose.

Assume on the other hand we accept the Barcan formula and intuit that there could not be non-actual objects. In this case it is reasonable to regard (12) as a logical falsehood. But in this case there is nothing wrong with the translations of (12) into CT. For the translations only come out true on the assumption that some things have no counterpart at our world, which is just the assumption we currently suppose is false.

So either way, there is no problem.

The situation is more or less the same for the other examples F&W discuss. Consider

24) possibleexistsx (ACT Fx & ACT ~Fx).

Again, F&W say this is a logical falsehood. This time, the problem is that its CT-translation presumably comes out true on the assumption that some thing at another world may have two counterparts at our world. But again, on this assumption it not at all clear that (24) should be accepted as a logical falsehood: If there could be a thing that is two things at another world, there is little reason why contradictory predicates can't be true of it (them?) at that other world. And again, if the assumption is rejected, there remains nothing objectionable about the CT-translation.

I guess it's true that if non-actual possibilia and multiple counterparts are rejected (and thus also (12) and (24)), CT loses much of its attraction. CT is both a translation scheme for modal statements and a theory of modality. The translation scheme still works for other theories of modality (aka QMLs), with the "postulates" of CT replaced by other postulates, e.g. by a postulate ruling out non-actual possibilia. But then the translations might get less useful in their application to philosophical problems. In extreme cases, if the theory is sufficiently weird -- as when one intuits that the Gödel-Löb provability axiom expresses a fundamental truth about metaphysical modality -- the translation probably becomes completely useless.

F&W show that given certain views on the logic of modality, CT can't deliver all the goods it's supposed to deliver. E.g. if one believes that the true logic of modality rules our (24), then CT presumably can't solve the problem of constitution. But we who do not share these views -- e.g. we who believe that there might well be things that don't actually exist --, we can still accept the solutions offered by CT, and we can still count them as advantages of CT. We knew all along that people with strange views on modality won't find our solutions acceptable. Fara and Williamson have told us that they are among those people.


# on 15 April 2004, 23:27

> But again, on this assumption it not at all clear that (24) should be
> accepted as a logical falsehood: If there could be a thing that is two
> things at another world, there is little reason why contradictory
> predicates can't be true of it (them?) at that other world.

A better way to make the point _I think_ you intend here is: if there
could be a single thing that is two things _in this world_, there is
little reason why it can't, in that other world, actually be F and
actually be not-F. (Namely, because one of its counterparts in this
world is F and the other is not F.)

Is that what you intended?

Question: What should it take to actually be not-F? Is it enough to have _a_ counterpart in this world who isn't F? Or should it require you to have _no_ counterparts in this world who are F? Both translations seem defensible. But only the first provides for an object simultaneously being actually F and being actually not-F.

# on 16 April 2004, 12:42

> Is that what you intended?

Yes. What I called "another world" is the actual world in the example at hand.

> Question: What should it take to actually be not-F?

Good question. Without having thought it through, I'd say it takes all actual counterparts to be not-F, just as to be actually F it takes all actual counterparts to be F. In this case you're right that the CT-translation of (24) will come out false. So I should have used (28) instead of (24):

28) possiblyexistsx (~ACT Fx & ~ACT ~Fx).

I don't have any strong intuitions about multiple counterparts (by the same counterpart relation). I wouldn't even mind ruling them out if there was a plausible way to do so. My answer is based on what I would say in parallel spatial and temporal cases: Suppose Fred will be split into two persons tomorrow, one of which marries next year while the other one remains unmarried. Now is it true that Fred will be married next year? Is it true that he will be unmarried? I'm inclined to say "no" both times.

What's really useful, and what I wouldn't like to give up, is multiple counterparts by different counterpart relations. This is also what is needed to handle the problem of constitution: Let x be a statue at world w and L and S a lump and a statue respectively at our world (with L!=S). Then it might happen that L is the unique *lump-counterpart* of x at the actual world while S is the unique *statue-counterpart*.

Neither Lewis in "CT&QML" nor F&W take into account these relativized counterpart relations. (One problem is that the rules by which the relevant counterpart relation is selected are rather complicated, another is that information about the relevant counterpart relations is often lost when translating English into QML.)

# on 11 May 2004, 21:41

When we claimed, in our paper, that

(12) <>Ex(ACT Fx <-> ACT -Fx)

was inconsistent, we weren't relying (solely) on our intuitions about it, or our thoughts about what we should say of the possibility of actually non-existent objects. We were relying on basic principles about the actuality operator, of which (12) is a consequence. The axiomatization given by Harold Hodes, which we mention, provides an example of such basic principles. Hodes shows that by adding to an axiomatization of quantified S5 three classes of formulas, each of them constituting independently attractive principles governing the actuality operator, a plausible modal logic of that operator is generated. In Hodes's logic, the actuality and negation operators commute in any context, securing the inconsistency of (12). (Note that this fact is independent of the part of the logic that governs the necessity operator.) Hodes's logic has long been regarded as the standard logic for actuality. Of course, there may be other axiomatizations which are as simple, systematic and plausible as Hodes's. But, to our knowledge, none in which the denial of (12) is not a theorem has been supplied. In the absence of a systematic and plausible rival to Hodes's logic, we prefer to let our judgments about inconsistency be directed by it, rather than by questionable considerations about possible objects that don't actually exist.

> Then what do we want to say about sentences like
> i) There could be a P which is actually F,
> where F is some ordinary predicate? I would say
> (i) is false: No possible P is actually
> F,simply bacause no possible P actually exists.
> Similarly, I'd say that
> ii) There could be a P which is actually not F
> is false: just as no possible P is actually
> married, so no possible P is actually unmarried.

Provided we are careful to treat "actually" here as a sentential operator, as we should in this context, to say that (i) is false commits one to denying

(1) There could be an object which is such that it is P and it is actually the case that it is F.

Alternatively, it commits one to accepting

(2) For any possible P, it is not actually the case that it is F.

But if an object -- merely possible or not -- is such that it is not actually the case that it is F, then it IS actually the case that it is NOT the case that this object is F. That is to say, it is actually the case that this object is not F.

We are happy to say that some past presidents are now admired. And if we add that they are now not in office, we speak truly, committing ourselves to nothing that does not follow from the claim that they are not now in office. Similarly, there *could* be a P which is actually unmarried, at least in the (relevant) sense that there could be a P which is such that it is actually the case that it is not married. And here, again, we are committed to nothing that does not follow from the fact that there could be a P which is such that it is not actually the case that it is married.

> > Question: What should it take to actually be not-F?
> Good question. Without having thought it through,
> I'd say it takes all actual
> counterparts to be not-F, just as to be
> actually F it takes all actual counterparts to > be F.

So the merely possible Cartesian soul, with no actual-world counterparts, is actually a chicken? Or did you mean to be offering only a necessary condition for being actually F? Murali Ramachandran accepts this condition, and he adds a sufficient condition too. We discuss his view later in our paper.

> F&W's treatment of names is so completely different
> from how Lewis says they should be treated ("CT&QML",
> pp.32f. in Papers) that it is unclear whether their
> examples with names work at all

It would be odd if Lewis's idiosyncratic view of names (that they are to be eliminated in favor of descriptions) were essential to counterpart theory. But the issue is a red herring anyway, since Lewis stresses that when names occur inside the scope of modal operators, their replacing descriptions are most naturally read as taking wide scope with respect to those operators. So our points put in terms of names stand.

# on 12 May 2004, 09:09

Many thanks! I need to think more about your points before answering. Unfortunately, I'm quite busy these days, so for now just a quick and very general response -- an "if all else fails" response, so to speak. More to come later, I hope.

It seems to me that I understand CT-sentences about possible worlds and individuals just as well as I understand QML-sentences involving boxes, diamonds and ACT. That is, I don't think the latter represents *real* modal discourse, whereas the former is merely a technical device the understanding of which requires following translation schemes. So even if there were no simple translation scheme from QML to CT, this wouldn't necessarily discredit CT, just as the fact that there is no simple translation scheme from CT to QML doesn't discredit QML.

# on 15 February 2005, 13:29


i've been looking back over the FW piece in light of its recent publication. A few thoughts arose.

First, i think that the case that

Fa & not-ACT(Fa)

is a contradiction is somewhat overstated. True, it is a contradiction in the Hodes system, but it has been questioned... e.g by Gregory JPL [2001]. So i agree with you on that score.

However, i think there is a bigger problem since i don't even see why QML is getting a look in anyway. As i understand the FW proposal, we have a two-step translation scheme - from english to QML then to CT. Far enough, the 1968 proposal is just that, but the degregulated concpetion of CT looks as though the idea is that we translate directly from english to CT. QML, in whatever guise, just gets in the way. If Lewis thinks that QML is expressively inadequte, why should we translate into and out of it when capturing the truth-conditions of our de re modal locutions?


# on 15 February 2005, 19:23

I partly agree: QML is not the ultimate authority on matters modal. But sentences of QML can often (though not always) be understood as mere abbreviations of English modal sentences. And CT should give an adequate analysis of these modal sentences.

Suppose, for instance, we intuit that whenever necessarily (A and B), then necessarily A. We can write this in QML as

*) L(A & B) -> LA.

Now Lewis says that "necessarily", i.e. "L", can be analysed as a quantification over worlds etc. And it turns out that on his analysis, there are lots of counterexamples to (*). That's bad, for an adequate analysis should at least get the truth values right.

The point, as I see it, is not that QML principles like (*) are axioms of some more or less established systems of QML. Michael Fara seems to believe that this strongly supports the principles. I'm more inclined to agree with Lewis when he simply shrugs off complaints like these (Papers 1, p.45): "If counterpart theory calls for the rejection of some popular modal principles, that needn't worry us."

I do think however that it is bad if some *intuitively true* (as opposed to popular or well-established) modal principles come out false on Lewis's account. FW have pointed out that this not only happens with (*), but also with some principles involving "actually".

(The case of (*), which I find even more startling, was raised by Lin Woollaston 1994; more examples of that kind can be found in Max Cresswell's AJP 2004 paper.)

The challenge for counterpart theorists is to either revise their analysis of those principles, or to explain away the intuitions. What's comforting is that the tricky modal principles can almost always be translated into equally tricky principles about time expressed in tensed language. So counterpart theory is no worse off than the B-theory of time (or perhaps the B-theory together with fourdimensionalism).

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