Semantic Values and Rabbit Pictures

Robbie Williams pointed out that in my recent musings on worms and stages, I ignore the following straightforward characterizations:

Worm Theory: the semantic value of predicates like "rabbit" is a set of 4D worms.

Stage Theory: the semantic value of predicates like "rabbit" is a set of 3D stages.

He's right. I believe that these theories both cannot work, so I don't want to define stage and worm theory that way.

Why can't they work? Consider Ralph the rabbit. On the simple Stage semantics (on which I'll focus here), the semantic value of "Ralph" is a rabbit stage, and the value of "rabbit" a set of such stages:

a rabbit stageseveral rabbit stages

The main problem with this is that different things can share the same stage. In other words, there is no unique correct way to find the past and future counterparts for a given stage. Given unrestricted mereological composition, there exist things like the fusion of today's Ralph stages, and the fusion of today's Ralph stages with yesterday's stages of the Eiffel tower. For any fusion, we could have a corresponding predicate, say, "rabbit-segment" and "tower-rabbit". And we could have names for rabbit-segments and tower-rabbits, say, "Segralph" and "Towralph". Then here are some facts about Ralph, Segralph and Towralph:

existed yesterdaywas once 324m highis a rabbitis a rabbit- segment

However, Ralph, Segralph and Towralph all share the same current stage. Hence if the contribution "Ralph", "Segralph" and "Towralph" made to the truth-value of sentences was just that stage, there could never be different truth values in these columns. But there are. So the semantic value of "Ralph" (and "Segralph" and "Towralph") is more than just a stage.

In response, one could maintain that there really is a unique correct way to find the past and future counterparts for a given stage. Perhaps, one might suggest, Ralph, Segralph and Towralph do not really share a stage. Rather, there are many different stages colocated at the same place and time, differing in their hidden haecceity. This haecceity uniquely determines their past and future counterparts. On this view, there are probably infinitely many objects with different haecceities wholly located at any place and time,

Alternatively, one could say that Segralph and Towralph simply do not exist, or that it is for some other reason impossible for a language to have expressions that work like "Segralph", "rabbit-segment", etc. That's also bad, for several reasons. First, such expressions exist in English: I have introduces these new words simply as abbreviations for slightly longer English expressions. Second, it is very implausible that our way of carving reality should be the only possible way. Why couldn't people in other cultures be interested in rabbit-segments or tower-rabbits? (The examples were of course particularly gruesome; there are many less gruesome ways to draw temporal boundaries around Ralph's present stage; and much more so for artefact stages.) Thirdly, the very same problems arise with our familiar "statue" and "lump of clay" (and "person"/"body", etc.). A statue and a lump of clay can share the same present stage, even though "the statue existed yesterday" is true and "the lump of clay existed yesterday" is false. It will hardly do to say that either of these expressions cannot exist.

So many predicate values operate not simply on stages, but on stages together with their counterparts at other times. That is, we need to assign to names not only stages, but also a function from times to further stages (an intension), so that we can let the predicate values operate on them:

an assignment of rabbit stages to timesan assignment from such assignments to truth values

I've used a mapping from intensions to truth values instead of a set of intensions as the semantic value of "rabbit" just to prevent people from interpreting me as saying that rabbits are strange functions from times to stages. Of course they are not. We have to reject the idea that rabbits are whatever is in the semantic value of "rabbit". We also have to reject the idea that Ralph is the semantic value of "Ralph" (that would also make him a function from times to stages). These are very important lessons, I believe.

The present semantics is still too simple because it can't distinguish fission from time travel. When things have double stages at a certain time, that can be either because they are time travelers or because they have fissioned. That makes a difference for predications: By time traveling, Ralph can kick his younger self, but not by undergoing fission. Whatever makes a difference for the truth-value of predications needs to be put into the semantic values:

an assignment of sometimes multiple rabbit stages to timesan assignment from such assignments to truth values

The '=' sign indicates that at t3, Ralph has time traveled, whereas at t2 he has merely fissioned.

Then of course there are index-shifting operators like "tomorrow", for which we have to add a time argument to our predicate values:

an assignment of sometimes multiple rabbit stages to timesan assignment from such assignments and times to truth values

Finally, all these semantic values systematically vary with the context of utterance. This holds in particular for the counterpart relation that provides the intensions (and also explains the difference between time travel and fission multiplicity). So we need two-dimensional intensions:

an assignment of contexts to an assignment of rabbit stages to times   an assignment from contexts to an assignment of rabbit stages to times and times to truth values

World and place coordinates are still missing, but this is roughly how I think a stage theorist's semantics should look like. It is admittedly somewhat more complicated than it was on the initial characterization. But I don't see any way to get by with less complexity.


# on 31 March 2005, 15:31

Once you've got all this complexity, you can see how the mapping into worm theory goes. At the bottom level, instead of sets of stages, we put fusions of stages. (There might be a few more bells and whistles to account for fissioning and time travel, but that's the basic idea, I take it.)

I find it a bit confusing that the functions from times to rabbit stages are called "intensions", since it looks like what plays the familiar intension role, e.g. interacting with time-shifting operators, is the function from times to [functions from times to rabbit stages]. But that may just be me...

I still think we should stick with the simple (naive?) characterization. That means that on stage semantics, segralph and towralph will be rabbits. That's a bullet, but I think it's biteable. (It's closely related to Achille Varzi's puzzle about tenors and turnips in the AJP 2003.). Or at least, I think it's better to bite the bullet than complicate stage theory in the way that you go on to suggest (which I think you're right in thinking is, in effect, a kind of worm theory).

We'll have to do something about unbiteable cases. e.g. ``was once 324 ft high'' (for stage theorist) or ``is essentially human'' (for the modal counterpart theorist). In the latter case, one familiar trick is to paraphrase the 'predicate' as a combination of operator and predicate "Nec (statue(x))", and then rely on the inconstancy of the salient counterpart relation to do the rest. We could do the same thing for the stage case: "Was: 324ft high(x)": the different temporal counterpart relations invoked by "TowRalph" and "Ralph" then give the difference in truth value.

Of course, if you insist (to pick another example) that "is 1 day old" is to be treated as a predicate, then paraphrase in terms of operator won't work (the difference between paraphrasing and giving a semantic interpretation becomes important here).

Even so, I think that it's better for the stage theorist to disambiguate e.g. "is one day old qua rabbit" from "is one day old qua rabbit-segment". Both Ralph and SegRalph satisfy the second but not the first. Maybe these are different predicates, or perhaps different properties (so that "is one day old" becomes indexical, depending on the salient counterpart relation).

# on 31 March 2005, 19:42

Hi, many thanks, great comments!

Re "intension", I think my intensions do interact with time-shifting operators in just the usual way: "at t, A is F" is true iff the counterpart of A at t (i.e. the value of what I call "A"'s intension at t) is F (for extensional F).

On your final suggestion: Suppose "Ralph is one day old" is true and "SegRalph is one day old" false because the property expressed by "is one day old" systematically depends on the counterpart relation invoked by the name. Then I think that dependence must be put into the semantic value.
So the full semantic value of "is one day old" will be something like a function from counterpart relations to stage properties, or equivalently: a function from stages and counterpart relations to truth values, which is more or less what it is on my proposal.

Similarly for the proposal to paraphrase away all intensional predicates: If in the very same context, "was: 324m high(TowRalph)" is true and "was: 324m high(Ralph)" false, then the two sentences must differ in the semantic value of their constituents. Here however, one could put the complication only into the values of singular terms, making them functions from times to stages, and stick with simple predicate values. (This is I think what Sider proposes in his 1996 paper.)

I have to think more about this proposal. My off-hand response is that a) the paraphrases will not look at all natural for many predicates (like "is 1 year old"), and b) the proposal ultimately doesn't make a difference: the net semantic value of "was: 324m high(x)" is still something like a function from stages plus counterparts (and times) to truth values; no doubt one could replace virtually all predicates by suitable operators -- say, analysing "is 324m high(x)" as "324m high: x=x" --, but does that really make a difference? Moreover, if half of all English predicates are really disguised operator constructions, why bother biting any bullets with "rabbit"? Why not say that "rabbit", too, is not a *real* (i.e. extensional) predicate, but rather means something like "is now, will always be and has always been a rabbit stage", so that it applies to Ralph but not to TowRalph?

# on 31 March 2005, 22:52

Much stuff to think about... just a quick thought.

Perhaps "is one day old" is indexical, depending on a "salient counterpart relation" aspect of the context in which it is uttered. But "Segralph is 1 day old and Ralph is not 1 day old" should come out true. No problem... there isn't a single context associated with the utterance of that sentence, I reckon.

In some sense, then, the relativization for counterparts will be part of the "semantic value", for it'll show up in the character of "is 1 day old". But I'm ok with that kind of relativity...

# on 01 April 2005, 19:24

I see. Characters are doing a lot of work there -- too much work, I'd like to say, but I'd need an argument for that. (At any rate, with your strategy, one could revive what Lewis calls the "purely external strategy" in *Plurality*, pp.40-50.)

More importantly, I'd like to say that the resulting characters (2D intensions) on your proposal are the same as on mine. Then I would maintain that your account differs from mine merely in the labelling of component semantic values. It's not obvious however that the characters are the same. I hope I'll find the time to think more about this soon.

# pingback from on 26 April 2005, 20:04

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