Another status update

I've just moved out of my flat. Next I have to find a flat to move into. This time I've even managed to throw away most of the notes and copies of papers I used to carry with me each time I moved. I've also thrown away some other stuff, like two of my three pairs of trousers, so I feel like quickly approaching my dream lifestyle.

In the meantime, the new semester has begun. I'll probably visit just one seminar, which is supposed to be about classical logic, though I'm not sure if e.g. Dov Gabbay's fibring logics should really be called "classical". Well, maybe I've missed the new era while reading Frege.

Since I've talked about logic books here a while ago, I get quite a few hits from people searching for answers to exercises in these books. From these hits I learned e.g. that Machover's "Set Theory, Logic, and Their Limitations" is not only used in London but also somewhere in Canada. I once planned to make a website with solutions to all the exercises in Boolos and Jeffrey's "Computability and Logic", but after I had put together most of them (well, all I was able to solve), the completely revised 4th edition of that book was released. For some books like these it would be very nice to have the solutions available somewhere.


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