New Year's Plans

Hello, I'm back from wherever I was. Happy new year everybody!

In the train I wrote a few more notes on haecceitism and rigidity and physicalism and all that. I might blog them later so that I don't lose them. I also have to write applications for dissertation grants. Perhaps I should also start writing the dissertation itself. And then there are all those programming projects: I really need to improve my blogger (even more urgently now that it has been embarrassingly mentioned at various (1 2 3 4 5) blogs), and continue with the new tree prover. Today (or rather tonight) I made some not so urgent but simpler improvements to Postbote (mostly to do with encodings, but you might also notice that bouncing mails now correctly bounce back to you). I also have three new little things in the making that I hope to finish soon. One of them has something to do with philosophy, though I'm not quite sure if it's legal. Other people also want me to work on their webpages, as always. And I still haven't finished setting up my Linux system (the sound is obscurely missing). That all sounds really nice -- except that my main plan for 2004 was to get (a life and thereby) rid of RSI...


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