Introducing Ned

One of the three other things I've been working on is Ned, a kind of web-based editor and file-manager. There are several reasons why I need this. One is that I often want to edit files on a server while I am at other places like the university where no (S)FTP or SSH client is installed. Another is that most of the servers I work with do not allow SSH access, so even if I only want to change a single character in a file, I have to open an FTP client, download the file, open an editor, change the character, save the file, and upload it again. Ned makes this much easier. Moreover, Ned also supports some filesystem operations (like copying files and recursively deleting folders) that are not supported by common FTP clients.

At the moment, Ned requires a JavaScript enabled browser. At least in Mozilla the editor also shows the current line number and supports Search and Replace with Regular Expressions (which are all the features I want from an editor), but the performance gets bad for large files (>1000 lines, at least on this computer).

I've tested Ned with three different hosts. They all had slightly different FTP filelist formats. So I'm pretty sure it doesn't properly handle all possible formats. Anyway, if you want to improve it or put it on your own server, here's the source.


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