Knowing the Meaning

On one of our many conceptions of meaning, the meaning of an expression is what you know when you know the meaning of the expression. I don't think this is a particularly useful conception. Besides, it violates some commonplace truths about meaning, like that expressions of different languages can have the same meaning. For suppose the meaning of the German "schwarz" is identical to the meaning of the English "black". Then by the above rule anyone who knows the meaning of "black" should know the meaning of "schwarz", which isn't so.

Now for why I don't find the proposed conception very useful. What do people know when they know the meaning of an expression? First of all, they typically have certain abilities. If you know the meaning of "black", you are able to use that word appropriately. But these abilities probably require propositional knowledge, and anyway they are neither necessary not sufficient for knowing the meaning.

Perhaps the relevant knowledge is acquaintance knowledge, like the knowledge you have when you know Paris. Knowing the meaning of "bachelor" then is being acquainted with a certain entity, viz. with the meaning of "bachelor". That doesn't seem right. If somebody has the right propositional knowledge, and the right abilities, then she knows the meaning of "bachelor", whether or not she is acquainted with whatever the meaning might be. Knowing the meaning of "bachelor" is more like knowing the Peano Axioms. That doesn't require being acquainted with the axioms, but only knowledge that such-and-such are the Peano Axioms.

What propositional knowledge do you need to have in order to know the meaning of "black"? Note that it doesn't suffice to have knowledge of propositions whose expression contains "black", e.g. that black things are not white. Every German knows that, but many Germans don't know the meaning of "black". The relevant propositions must be propositions involving "'black'", not merely "black": Perhaps you need to know that the things of which "black" is true are not white, and so on -- more simply, you need to know that "black" is true of something iff that something is black. Applying this idea to sentences, we get the familiar idea that knowing the meaning is knowing truth-conditions: You know the meaning of "it's raining" if you know under what conditions "it's raining" is true; i.e. if you know that "it's raining" is true iff it's raining.

So suppose that what you know when you know the meaning of "it's raining" is the proposition that "it's raining" is true iff it's raining. (I think that's too simple in some ways, but it's on the right track.) Then on the initial proposal on which the meaning of "it's raining" is what you know when you know the meaning of "it's raining", it follows that the meaning of "it's raining" is the proposition that "it's raining" is true iff it's raining. That doesn't look like a very useful notion of meaning to me.

I think it's better at this stage to identify sentence meaning with the relevant truth conditions, and similarly predicate meaning with the satisfaction conditions. What is a condition? Something that divides possibilities into those that meet the condition and those that don't. It might be a linguistic description (under a fixed interpretation), or a function from possibilities to truth values, or simply a set of possibilities.

Some people complain that you don't know a set of possibilities when you know a meaning. True, but that only shows that sets of possibilities are not meanings on the not very useful conception of meaning with which I began. If meanings are sets of possibilities then knowing the meaning of "it's raining" isn't knowing the relevant set, but rather knowing something like that the sentence is true iff one of the elements of the set is actual, that is, iff it's actually raining.

What does it take to know that? Perhaps it takes having certain mental items ('concepts') arranged in a certain way and connected to some mental representation of "it's raining". Or maybe, and similarly, it takes knowing a purely qualitative description in some basic vocabulary that picks out just the situations in which it's raining, and somehow connecting that description with "it's raining". Maybe this is so, but I don't think we make any such assumptions when we say of somebody that she knows that "it's raining" is true (in English) iff it's raining. Rather, what we mean is that she (truely and justifiedly) believes things like that a sincere speaker of English will utter "it's raining" only when it's raining, or at any rate only when she believes that it's raining. This is an ordinary belief with non-semantic content, and people have that belief in the same way in which they have other beliefs, perhaps by means of Mentalese tokens, or perhaps by some other means.


# on 06 July 2004, 20:08

"For suppose the meaning of the German "schwarz" is identical to the meaning of the English "black". Then by the above rule anyone who knows the meaning of "black" should know the meaning of "schwarz", which isn't so."

Is that true? Isn't 'Knows P' an intensional context? For example, although it's necessarily true that the diameter of Hesperus is the same as the diameter of Phosphoros, is it true that everyone who knows the diameter of Hesperus knows the diameter of Phosporus? I wouldn't have thought so; and so likewise with 'black' and 'schwarz'.

# on 06 July 2004, 20:29

Oh, right, I was too quick there. But the point I wanted to make still goes through, I think: I take it that what you need to know in order to know the meaning of "black" really is not the same as what you need to know in order to know the meaning of "schwarz". So if the meaning of "black" is what you need to know in order to know the meaning of "black", then the meaning of "black" isn't the same as the meaning of "schwarz".

Compare the diameter case: What you need to know in order to know the diameter of H is not the same as what you need to know in order to know the diameter of P, even though the diameter of H is the same as the diameter of P. (It follows that what you need to know in order to know the diameter of H is not identical to the diameter of H. That sounds a bit strange, but I think it's true: What you need to know is the proposition that H has such-and-such a diameter, and this proposition is not identical to the diameter.)

# on 07 July 2004, 20:30

The conception of the meaning of an expression as what you know when you know the meaning of an expression sounds trivially correct to me. (I agree, then, that it isn't useful.) But I don't see how it could be trivially correct if it implies that "schwarz" and "black", for example, couldn't mean the same thing.

I also don't see why there should be an asymmetry between this and the diameter case. If what you say about the latter is right, then why shouldn't we also say that what you need to know in order to know the meaning of "schwarz" is the proposition that "schwarz" means such-and-such?

# on 07 July 2004, 20:49

I didn't mean to say there's an asymmetry to the diameter case. On the contrary. I agree that what you need to know in order to know the meaning of "schwarz" is something like the proposition that "schwarz" means such-and-such. Which is however not what you need to know in order to know the meaning of "black". So if that proposition is the meaning of "schwarz" (trivially or not), then "schwarz" and "black" have different meanings.

# on 21 July 2004, 23:51

It all turns on the distinction between epistemic and metaphysical necessity (a la Putnam and Kripke), don't it? Interesting application thereof. Speaking of Kripke, how about his Pierre and "London est jolie" example? "Knowing the meaning," I suppose, cannot be abstracted from the de dicto sense, at least if what you're getting at is knowing the meaning of *words* per se. And translation between languages must involve such. Necessarily.

# on 22 July 2004, 02:42

Oops, that should have been "Londres est jolie."

# on 19 November 2007, 02:07

"For suppose the meaning of the German "schwarz" is identical to the meaning of the English "black". Then by the above rule anyone who knows the meaning of "black" should know the meaning of "schwarz", which isn't so."

Sure it's so. Anyone knowing the meaning of the English "black" also knows the meaning of the German "schwarz", the French "noir", etc. etc.^*
What you do not know is that the meaning of "black" is also the meaning of "schwarz".

Example: Assume you know the meaning of "pants", that "pants" and "trousers" have the same meaning, and that you have never heard the word "trousers" before, and thus do not understand it. "Trousers" are then used in a sentence, upon which you ask "What does "trousers" mean?" and the reply is ""Trousers" mean the same as "pants" mean". You will then know the meaning of "trousers", which you did not before, without having gained any further knowledge of the meaning of "pants".

The point being, you can easily know the meaning of a word, without knowing that that meaning is the meaning of that word.

^* Under the assumption that these meanings are identical, of course. I do not use either word in my native tongue.

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