Some Thoughts on Fundamental Structural Properties

Fundamental (or 'perfectly natural') properties are properties on whose distribution in a world all qualitative truths about that world supervene. That is, whenever two worlds are not perfect qualitative duplicates, they differ in the distribution of fundamental properties.

This is not the only job discription for fundamental properties. If it were, far too many classes of properties could play that role. For instance, all qualtiative truths trivially supervene on the distribution of all properties, or on the distribution of all intrinisic properties, or (for what it's worth) on the distribution of all extrinsic properties. (That's because no two things, whether duplicates or not, ever agree in all extrinsic properties.)

One of Lewis' further constraints is that the fundamental properties should all be intrinsic. Another is that they should provide a minimal basis for qualitative difference: the qualitative truths should, if possible, not be completely determined by a proper subset of the fundamental properties.

As the distribution of structural properties is determined by the distribution of simpler properties over smaller things, one might expect that no structural property is fundamental. Lewis disagrees (except in "Ramseyan Humility", where he switches terminology and uses "fundamental" for "simple and fundamental"):

I am following Armstrong, mutatis mutandis, in declining to rule out perfectly natural properties that are conjunctive or structurally complex. ("New Work", p.37)

The reason he gives (both here and in "Against Structural Universals", and in "Ramseyan Humility", where the fundamental properties are called "near-enough fundamental") is that the world might be infinitely complex, with 'structures all the way down'.

However, from the existence of such worlds it does not follow that no simple, non-structural properties are instantiated there. Complex objects can instantiate simple properties. It might even turn out that all truths about such worlds are determined by their distribution of simple properties. So a further argument is needed, but I cannot find one in Lewis or Armstrong.

(Perhaps Lewis was aware of the missing step. On p.12 of "New Work" he writes: "If the world were infinitely complex, there might be no way to cut down to a minimal basis". Similarly in Fn.4 of "Ramseyan Humility". If he believed that infinite complexity entails lack of simple properties I guess he should have used "would" instead of "might".)

Here is an argument for the opposite thesis, that structural properties are always redundant.

1. Assumption: Worlds W1 and W2 differ in the distribution of structural properties (and thereby fail to be duplicates).

2. Definitions: Let A be an arbitrary mereological atom; let S be the set of all A-duplicates together with all duplicates of W1; let Q be the property being a member of S.


3. W1 and W2 are not both atoms. (By 1., they differ in the distribution of a structural property, and atoms can't do that.)

4. Q is intrinsic. (It is a disjunction of intrinsic properties.)

5. Q is simple. (Structural properties never belong to atoms.)

6. Either W2 is an atom or W1 and W2 differ in the distribution of Q. (For by 1., W2 is not a duplicate of W1.)

7. If W2 is an atom, W1 and W2 differ in the distribution of the simple intrinsic property being an atom. (From 3.)

8. If W2 is not an atom, W1 and W2 differ in the distribution of the simple intrinsic property Q. (From 4., 5. and 6.)

9. W1 and W2 differ in the distribution of simple intrinsic properties. (From 7. and 8.)

So the assumption that two infinitely complex worlds could differ in the distribution of structural properties without differing in the distribution of simple intrinsic properties is inconsistent.

That is, if our job description for fundamental properties is that a) they are all simple, b) they are all intrinsic and c) they account for all qualitative truths and differences, infinitely complex worlds provide no reason to worry that the description may be unsatisfied.

Lewis endorsed (b) and (c) but not (a). Why? Was it because he thought by endorsing (b) and (c) he did enough to give "fundamental" a determinate meaning that rules out (a), perhaps because a specific class of properties satisfying (b) and (c) but not (a) is a very powerful reference magnet? Perhaps. More likely, he rejected (a) because he added further descriptive conditions besides (b) and (c), conditions that undermine (a). Particularly relevant in this respect seems the condition that sharing of a natural property should always make for intuitive resemblance: my Q hardly satisfies that.

But suppose there was another philosopher who agreed with Lewis that a primitive distinction between fundamental and other properties is needed, for instance in a theory of laws or a theory of content, but who added that all these properties must be simple, even if that makes them less directly relevant for intuitive resemblance. Could we find out who is right? I don't know how we could. Then how can we trust that Lewis's job description for fundamental properties is the right one?

When philosophers give different job descriptions for something, that doesn't necessarily mean that they really disagree. It often only means that they use the relevant term in different ways. But the situation I have in mind is not of this kind. For instance, both parties claim that what they call "fundamental properties" figure in laws of nature, not the less fundamental properties their opponent calls "fundamental properties". They cannot both be right.


# on 08 April 2005, 05:32

can I ask a couple of naive, and thus possibly stupid, questions?

1) Am I right in thinking that your argument won't work for conjunctive properties?
2) Q could, for all you say, simply be the disjunction of some simple property and some structural property. This would technically make it "non-structural", but does this show that structural properties are "rudundant" in any interesting sense?
3) I'm not sure what your alternative to Lewis' position is supposed to be. I.e. can you give me an a priori argument that the properties that figure, say, in the laws of nature couldn't have been structural. If not, then the mere claim that the fundamental properties are these properties seems to force us to leave open the possibility that some of them might be structural. But maybe there's a similar style of argument to be run here?

# on 08 April 2005, 17:47

hi Karl, I always appreciate your comments.

Re (1) and (2), I don't know what exactly you mean by "conjunctive" and "disjunctive" here. Q is a disjunction of a simple and a structural property, but it might not be disjunctive in the sense of being disjunctively definable from more fundamental properties. Q might itself be fundamental.

Admittedly, my definition of Q makes it look rather gerrymandered. But I don't think properties that belong to both simple and complex things should generally be counted as unnatural: all the usual candidates for fundamental properties (spins, charges, etc.) are like that. Q could be a property like *charge -1*. In our world, this property belongs both to simple things like electrons and complex things like anti-protons. So it could presumably also belong to infinitely complex things in another world, without ceasing to be a simple, fundamental, non-disjunctive property.

Re (3), it seems that Lewis has an a priori argument why the properties that figure in laws of nature must all be intrinsic. For him, it is a priori that
1. all fundamental properties are intrinsic;
2. only fundamental properties figure in laws.
The philosopher I have in mind would make an excactly parallel argument why all those properties must be simple.

The way I saw it -- but that might not be quite correct -- is that Lewis argues for the existence of a class of properties which does all kinds of marvellous things, say A, B, C, D and E. The other philosopher would claim that there is a class of properties that does B, C, D, E and F. Then if A and F are incompatible, and B, C, D, and E cannot be done by two different classes of properties, either Lewis or the other philosopher must be mistaken. They would agree that *some* primitive distinction separates the properties that figure in laws from all the rest, but they would not agree whether that same distinction is also the one that separates, say, the simple properties from all the rest.

# on 12 April 2005, 11:36

I should have mentioned that of course my argument in the main entry doesn't show that there is always an even remotely natural property like "charge -1" for the Q role. And Magdalena says it is silly to count the charge of an anti-proton as fundamental, given that it is fully determined and explained by the charge of its constituents. So maybe one should really only count "charge -1 and having no proper parts" as fundamental.

Then one might wonder whether all fundamental properties are properties of mereological atoms (which is stronger than that they are all non-structural). The possibility of a gunk world indeed refutes that.

# pingback from on 17 December 2005, 14:12

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