Time Traveler Convention

A time traveler convention will be held at MIT on May 7. Apparently the organizers have in mind a branching universe model of time travel, otherwise this makes no sense:

Can't the time travelers just hear about it from the attendees, and travel back in time to attend?

Yes, they can! In fact, we think this will happen, and the small number of adventurous time travelers who do attend will go back to their "home times" and tell all their friends to come, causing the convention to become a Woodstock-like event that defines humanity forever.

Anyway, suppose no time travelers from the future show up at the convention. Does that decrease your credence in the physical possibility of time travel? If so, would your credence decrease by the same amount if the convention was (now) set to take place in the past, say on May 7, 2004? After all, there's little point announcing a time traveler conference in due time before the event.


# on 02 May 2005, 22:42

Perhaps the time travelers will travel back in time to the convention, find it painfully boring, travel back to the future and then travel back in time again to make sure that they don't travel back to the convention in the first place. Thus, their absence will in fact confirm the possibility of time travel.

# on 04 May 2005, 00:29

It wouldn't work to announce a convention scheduled for a time in the past as people would know that nobody had turned up and so nobody would get excited enough about it to properly publicise it. When you say it's going to happen a week from now, hopefully lots of people will believe in the possibility enough to make an effort to get info about the meeting time and place into more permanent places than transitory bulletin boards and blogs, which would be necessary for the idea to have any hope of working.

Erm, that's if time travel were possible of course.

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