Note to self

Never dist-upgrade while running out of battery power. At least always backup papers on attitude reports before destroying the file system...


# on 22 February 2006, 19:34

wo, come on, that is a freshman excuse "I am late with my paper, my hdd crashed" :))))


# on 22 February 2006, 20:01

hmmm, interesting, I never get that excuse, I only get things like "I had to prepare for all these other exams that are more important". Looks like I'm too tolerant with excuses. The fact that about 80% of my students were late with their last essay also points in that direction...

Actually, I can still see the paper in rescue mode, I just can't do anything with it becaue all installed shells are broken and the Powerbook doesn't want to boot any of the live CDs I've tested (Knoppix, Gentoo, System Rescue CD). Oh well, I still have an older backup here on the Desktop PC. And anyway, I more and more come to believe that not only computer programs usually need to be rewritten at least twice to become usable.

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