(Unary) Numerical and Proportional Quantifiers
A quick Google search didn't come up with anything, so here are a couple of questions about the definability of certain unary quantifiers.
Just as all truth-functional operators are definable in terms of the Sheffer stroke, all numerical quantifiers are definable in terms of together with truth-functional operators and identity. By a numerical quantifier I mean a quantifier like "at least one", "at least two", "exactly 17", etc.: a quantifier Q such that the truth value of QxA(x) is determined by the finite cardinality of the objects satisfying A(x).
By the Skolem-Loewenheim theorems, this fact doesn't generalize to quantifiers for arbitrary cardinalities: "exactly aleph-0" is not definable in terms of the first-order . Though it is definable in terms of the second-order
. So my first question is: which cardinal quantifiers are second-order definable? (Clearly not all, as there are far more cardinalities than second-order formulas.)
Curiously, itself is not a numerical quantifier in the sense defined above. Rather, it is a unary proportional quantifier: a quantifier Q such that the truth value of QxA(x) is determined by the proportion (among all objects) of objects satisfying A(x).
My second question is: how would a minimal basis for unary proportional quantifiers look like? is not a minimal basis, as, for instance, "at least half" is not definable in terms of
. But "exactly half", "more than half" etc. are definable from "at least half" (e.g. exactly 1/2x are A(x) iff 1/2xA(x) and 1/2x~A(x)), and "at least 3/4" is definable from "at least 1/4" (at least 3/4x are A(x) iff not: at least 1/4x are ~A(x)). However, I think neither "at least half" is definable from "at least a quarter" nor vice versa. So do we need a primitive proportional quantifier "1/n" for each n?
Update 2006-05-11: For some reason, the end of the last paragraph got cut off. I've repaired it.
I don't have it to hand, but I think I remember that Stewart Shapiro's "Foundations without Foundationalism" has some stuff about relative strengths of systems of second order logic and first order logic+cardinality quantifiers.