Creating money

Since 2006, state employees here in North Rhine-Westfalia receive their monthly salary at the end of each month. This looks like an interesting way for the state to get a lot of money without taking it away from anyone.

Suppose for simplicity that we get our salaries exactly one month later than before. Then from the point of view of the state, it's like they just didn't pay anyone for a month: we got our payment in December, January was skipped and we got the next payment in February. But from our point of view, it's not at all like we didn't get paid for a month. Ater, say, my one-year employment, I will have earned the same amount I would have earned without the change. Likewise for everyone else, except for those who are employed infinitely long. OK, we have small loss in convenience and interest revenues, but that loss is worth far less than a monthly salary.

So in effect, despite the fact that North Rhine-Westfalia didn't pay any salaries for one month, all employees of North Rhine-Westfalia get payed for each month they work. Clever.


# on 01 June 2006, 18:21

clever, yes. has anyone reacted by saying that they will do their January work in February (etc)? this is also a way to block the disadvantages those employed for an infinte stretch of time would have to face otherwise (appart from being employed for an infinte stretch of time, that is)...

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