
Sometime later this year I will move to Cologne (Germany) as part of a recently approved Emmy Noether project on apriority and understanding. The other parts of the project so far are Brendan Balcerak Jackson and Magdalena Balcerak Jackson, but we're looking for PhD students. If you might be interested, here are the details.

Unrelatedly, I made some changes to the blog. Let me know if anything's broken.


# on 14 January 2009, 03:59

hi Wolfgang! I didn't know about the Cologne thing, that's awesome news! I'll see you around!

# on 15 January 2009, 21:35

I'm not sure whether it's broken, but I've recently been unable to access the online papers in philosophy feed. Whenever I click on the link for it, I get a message indicating that the feed can't be displayed because the feed contains code errors.

# on 16 January 2009, 02:02

Thanks Greg! I think I've fixed the feed.

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