Paper on unspecific antecedents

A new paper (draft) on counterfactuals with unspecific antecedents, to appear in a festschrift for Al Hájek. The paper discusses a range of phenomena related to the "Simplification of Disjunctive Antecedents". I argue that they can't be explained by a chance-based account of counterfactuals, as Hájek has suggested. Instead, I hint at an RSA-type explanation. I also suggest that this explanation might somewhat weaken the case for counterfactual skepticism.

I regret how much time I have spent on this topic. I first noticed it in 2006, and thought I had a nice explanation. When I posted it on the blog, Kai von Fintel kindly pointed me towards some literature. A little later, Paolo Santorio suggested that my explanation resembles the one in Klinedinst (2007). This seemed right, but I had in mind a more pragmatic implementation. I eventually wrote up my proposal in Schwarz (2021). Although my original interest was sparked by conditionals, that paper focuses on possibility modals, and only briefly mentions how the account might be extended to conditionals. When I got the invitation to write something for Al's festschrift, I thought I could spell out the application to conditionals, and compare it with Al's account. But I couldn't really make it work. So I ended up defending a more orthodox derivation based on Kratzer and Shimoyama (2002).

Klinedinst, Nathan W. 2007. “Plurality and Possibility.” PhD thesis, Los Angeles.
Kratzer, Angelika, and Junko Shimoyama. 2002. “Indeterminate Pronouns: The View from Japanese.” In Proceedings of the 3rd Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics, 1–25. Tokyo: Hituzi Syobo.
Schwarz, Wolfgang. 2021. “Discourse, Diversity, and Free Choice.” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 99 (1): 48–67.


# on 12 November 2024, 23:11

A minor question: On page 6, you writes, "For a more controlled example, imagine I’m about to draw a ball from an urn. You bet that I’ll draw a red ball. The ball I draw is green. In this context, (8a) appears to imply (8b). (8) a. If I had drawn a red ball or a yellow ball, you would have won. b. ↝ If I had drawn a yellow ball, you would have won. This apparent entailment remains intact..."

But how does this entailment remain intact, given the fact that you bet that I will draw a red ball? If that is your bet, then drawing a yellow ball wouldn't make you win.

It could be argued that 8b is vacuously true if the antecedent is false in all possible scenarios. But it does not seem the case that the antecedent is necessarily false. It must be false in view of the actual content in the urn, but it could be true physically or metaphysically.

# on 13 November 2024, 13:35

Hello! I'm afraid I don't follow. My claim is not that (8a) is true, only that (8a) appears to imply (8b):

(8a) If I had drawn a red ball or a yellow ball, you would have won.

(8b) If I had drawn a yellow ball, you would have won.

I agree that (8a) is intuitively false, precisely because it seems to entail (8b).

# on 13 November 2024, 14:09

Thank you for the reply! I see your point, sorry for my earlier confusion. But this still leaves me a question why in this example we do not follow the "chancy" argument so as to accept 8a is true but SDA does not work. "Chancy" argument will provide solution as such: Because drawing a yellow ball has no chance, then 8a does not imply 8b. Because drawing a red ball has some chance, then 8a imply 8c "if I had drawn a red ball, you would have won.". It seems that "chancy" argument is capable of providing a solution, as long as we accept 8a is true and the valid SDA should be restricted by the background of chances.

I suspect that the only way to reject such a solution is to claim that 8a is intuitively false. If it is stipulated that 8a is intuitively false, then I guess there is no need to show it is false in virtue of 8b.

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